Recognize a Gas Leak and Know What to Do
If at any time you are near a pipeline and hear a hissing or blowing sound, or if you detect a strong smell like sulfur or rotten eggs, leave the area immediately.
Do not attempt to locate the gas leak!!
Natural gas is lighter than air and can therefore dissipate into the air rapidly. Natural gas has a very narrow range of flammability and will ignite only in a concentration of 4 to 15 percent per volume of air. Natural gas will not ignite with a concentration below or above this range.
If you detect an odor of gas, please report the possible gas leak and leave the home immediately; however, remain at a safe distance on or near the property until the serviceman arrives. The serviceman will be sent to the area immediately and will investigate the reported possible leak and either repair the leak or declare the area safe.
When a possible gas leak is reported and the customer is not at home, the serviceman may need to turn the gas off and return when the owner is home.
Damage Prevention- Recognizing and Reporting Unauthorized Excavation
You, the public, can play an important role in ensuring the safety of the pipeline and the areas around your residences and other properties. If you observe any suspicious persons and/or unusual activity, especially the use of excavation equipment that appears out of the ordinary, please feel free to contact our office at 384-2369 and we will check on the situation.
Excavation damage by contractors and excavators is one of the greatest single challenges to safe pipeline operations. Accidental damage is caused by excavation, construction, farming activities, or even homeowner construction and maintenance. Making the single telephone call to “ONE CALL” will ensure compliance with state law and E.M.W. Gas Association will receive that notification.
The five (5) key reminders are
- Call before you dig
- 48 hour advance notice;
- Respect the markings;
- Dig with care;
- Safety is everyone’s responsibility